
Slummin' It Nat Style

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>> To call this Natascha Stolle dress my 'slummin' it' dress could be a bit of an insult to Natascha but I did remember a distinctly embarrassing moment when at the New York IFB Dress-Up Soiree when I was gesticulating to my Fannie Schiavoni chain dress,cheap beats studio headphones, saying that it was 'casual' for me and Mr Newton (loving his new site...) said "Only someone like Susie would consider a chain dress 'casual'" or something to that effect...

So what I'm really trying to say is that my version of 'slummin' it' is by no means a slide down the road towards trackie bottoms and Uggs.  That said, this dress from Natascha Stolle's A/W 09 collection has the sort of makings of something incredibly 'cas'...the loose shape, the oversized proportions, the GREY JERSEY (needs capitals of course...).  I ordered the dress aaaages ago and promptly forgot I had bought it until I went to pick it up at the BFC showroom in Paris during London Fashion Week and it was only when I put it on for the first time that I noticed all the things that pulls it back from being a giant sweater for sitting in and watching repeats of My Sweet 16 (thank you MTV marathon...) and eating pickled quail's eggs. 


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The silk 'boob' draping at the front that wafts about in front of the sweater dress, the grey gauzey lining that is revealed when you roll up the sleeves and the best part I think; the simple knot at the back that makes the collar dip lower, in a similar fashion to a kimono to reveal the neck (considered to be slightly erotic and beautiful...).  So with all those things combined, whilst the dress will be a winter comfort especially when I layer it over Uniqlo heat tech tees, it also dances between demure and dressy,handbags outlet onlin, in the way that Natascha Stolle has tried to establish with the rest of her collection...


... and her S/S 10 collection which I peeked at in Paris... she's finally figured out a way to make the stone pebbling 'effect' production friendly by using patent leather... 

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