
Shu Uemura Lash Curler Woes and a Thursday Thank You

Shu Uemura Lash Curler Woes and a Thursday Thank You


How are you doing, young lady? I hope something nice happened to you this week. I know we talk all the time in the comments, but I’m feeling extra chatty now, so I thought I’d say another hello.

Hello. :)

Have a seat. Let me pour you a cup of tea…

Hasn’t the week just flown by? For the most part it’s been a good one for me, with one minor major exception: I can’t find my Shu Uemura Lash Curler.

It’s true what they say — you don’t really know how much you love something until it’s gone (and you completely lose your sh*t).

It wasn’t in its usual place when I went to do my makeup on Tuesday morning. I looked everywhere for it, tearing through the house, panic rising in me with each passing second until BAM! I realized how silly I was being.

Had I lost touch with reality? Was I becoming Ronnie and Sam? It’s just an eyelash curler, after all.


I remind myself that there are other curlers out there. Shu isn’t the only one. In fact, I have one from Sephora that I keep for “emergencies,” but it doesn’t compare to Shu.

The curlers got a lot tougher to find in stores after the company pulled out of the U.S. last year, and I’m more likely to grow fangs than find a new one anytime soon.

I know I can still get one online, but I miss the days when they carried them at Sephora.

Has the loss of a beauty product ever broken your heart? Details, friend. Details.

You must do the thing you think you cannot do

The quote in the pic at the top of this post is from Eleanor Roosevelt; I came across it in a tweet earlier this week (I wonder what Eleanor would have thought of Twitter). Sometimes it’s nice to be reminded that you’re capable of doing big things, you know?

In other news, I missed a birthday last week, and I only realized it today. MBB turned four years old last week. Can you believe it? We’ve been together since 2007. That’s…FOUR YEARS (64 in Internet time)!

I don’t say this nearly enough, but thank you. :) Back when I wrote that very first post, I never imagined I’d still be blogging (and enjoying it) four years later.

Swatching MAC Fafi in 2008

I feel lucky and blessed that you choose to spend some of your time with me, and here’s to another four years! (*raises cup*)

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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