

a sweet something for your monday morning...i love this vintage collection. so bright & colorful. and that rose thermos is to die for! photo source.

well hello monday & hello friends. i am still pregnant. i can't believe it. i feel like i've been watching the pot, waiting for it to boil. my plan is to stop watching and just not worry. she will come when she is ready. my due date is thursday so she can't be too far away. today i plan on scheduling more guest blog posts for my upcoming leave of absence and having a couple of friends over for a little game night which should be fun. i also need to take my 39 weeks photos since i haven't done that yet. one more week of summer left for these kiddos. they go back to school next week, whoo-hoo! i used to looove going back to school, seeing all of my friends that i didn't see over the summer and picking out that perfect first day of school outfit. i have a great back to school style post planned for the blog this week, here's hoping i get around to posting it before baby arrives. :)

and now for the winner of the warm sugar custom posy doll giveaway...
and the winner is:

and to those of you who did not win, warm sugar is offering a 20% discount to bleubird readers on all orders this week when you mention bleubird at time of purchase!  thank you to everyone for your entries. XO!

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