
The High Low Levi’s Sta-Prest Chinos

Taea Thale

When you work at a fashion magazine, proffering shopping advice to friends is expected. Of all the inquiries — “Where can I find swim trunks that aren’t baggy?” or “Who makes a good belt?” (Orlebar Brown and Billykirk club soccer jerseys, respectively) — there’s one item that it seems everyone’s looking for: pants “that fit.” Which is to say, one that’s slim, but not too skinny; that can be worn to work and on the weekends. It’s a tall order but Levi’s just introduced a new style, the Sta-Prest chinos, that meets all the criteria. Available in four colors (khaki, grey, red and moss green), they’re cut like your favorite jeans with a tapered leg, and a sharp, permanent front crease. After seasons of the ubiquitous distressed chinos (sometimes tea-stained, paint-splattered, ripped and shredded), the Levi’s Sta-Prest is a welcome alternative. Take my word for it.

Levi’s Sta-Prest chinos, $68. Go to levi.com. Marni shirt, $440, shoes, $690, and socks, $60. For shirt, go to mrporter.com. For shoes and socks, go to marni.com. Cutler & Gross sunglasses, $475. Go to cutlerandgross.com.

